Now that you’ve finally moved into your new home, it’s time to start the daunting task of unpacking all your possessions. This can be a stressful task if not done right, which is why we’ve created this guide for you! Here are six tips that will help make your unpacking experience go smoothly.

Focus on the Essentials

There are certain things you should focus on unpacking first before moving onto less essential items. For example, it’s more important that you unpack your toiletries before laundry supplies or pantry food. The essentials you should unpack first include your phone charger, medication, a change of clothes and toiletries.

Do One Room at a Time

Moving from one room to another when unpacking is overwhelming and won’t result in much getting done. Instead, stay focused on fully unpacking one room before moving to another. Make a list of which rooms are the most important to unpack first. This priority list will keep you organized and calm.

Save the Kitchen for Later

It’s best to save the kitchen for the day after you’ve moved, as the hectic day has likely left you exhausted and frustrated. As unpacking your kitchen will be a large job, it’s best to do it after a good night’s sleep, when you’re not in a rush to get it done.

Avoid Distractions

While it always seems like watching television while unpacking will make the process go faster, that’s just not the case. You’ll likely get sucked into whatever’s happening constantly, slowing down any progress you were hoping to make. If you need something to keep you company, try listening to music instead. Don’t even think about unpacking your TV until you’ve done all that you’ve set out to do. If you have kids, hire a babysitter or have a family member watch them while you unpack, as they’re likely to be a huge distraction as well.

Break Down Boxes as You Go

It’s easy to toss all your boxes into one corner of your new home as you unpack your entire life. However, that pile can easily get out of control and become an overwhelming mountain of doom you won’t deal with for weeks. Instead, remember to break down each box as you go, using a large garbage bag to throw trash into so it’s easier to get rid of later. This way, you’ll be left with a small pile that can be taken out to the curb in one or two trips. Call Econo Moving and storage to arrange for a free box pick up.

Don’t Unpack Everything at Once

There are just some things that don’t need to be unpacked right away. Boxes that contain Christmas decorations (unless it’s December), every single one of your kid’s toys, home decor, you name it. Those can be unpacked another time. Don’t cause yourself more stress by unpacking unnecessary items and trying to find space for them all at once.

At Econo Moving and Storage, we’re Vancouver’s trusted moving company. If you’re looking for movers and mini storage options on the north shore of Vancouver, we’re the moving company to call. With safe and climate controlled storage facilities, affordable prices and POD delivery right to your door, visit our website to receive your free service quote.

Also Read:

Four Easy Tips For Packing Fragile Items
