COVID-19 has made life challenging but certain activities cannot be avoided and moving is one of them. While it may sound scary to move during a pandemic, the proper planning and safety precautions will ensure the process is smooth so that you don’t have to worry and the following tips will help:
Plan ahead and order your supplies early
Order everything you need online so that you don’t have to go into retail stores, and do this early so that you’re prepared and packing is not left to the last minute. Shipping times have changed quite a bit, so order early to give yourself time in case of delays. Order boxes as well because picking up free ones is not ideal at the moment.
Order more than you think you need
It’s always better to have more as opposed to not having enough, so order lots so that you don’t run into this problem. If you don’t have enough boxes, you will have to make a few trips to the store and that may cause you to feel uncomfortable, so order higher quantities to make the packing process smooth. Don’t forget to order markers, packing tape, bubble wrap, packing paper, a measuring tape and a box cutter as well because you will need all of these items while packing.
Set up a designated area to place finished boxes
This will provide you with a specific space where all of your sealed packages can be placed once they are done. Ideally, they should be moved into an area close to your front door so that movers have easy access to them and don’t have to walk through your home. Most people are uncomfortable with strangers walking through their home at the moment and this will prevent that from happening.
Research different movers
Don’t settle for the first moving company that you see and call around for different quotes so that you can compare them. In addition to their price, you need to ask about their sanitation and safety measures and whether or not they’ll be wearing masks, gloves and other personal protection equipment. See if they offer contactless services like digital payment, for example, and confirm that they have a cancellation policy in case your plans change. Things are very unpredictable these days, so you need to make sure you’re covered in every aspect so that you have peace of mind.
Econo Moving & Storage Ltd. understands the importance of safety, which is why we prioritize this aspect and ensure every one of our clients feels comfortable throughout every step of the moving process. We are one of the top moving companies in the North and West Vancouver areas and our professional movers are taking extra precautions to help people move during these uncertain times. We offer self-storage options as well, so if you want a moving company you can trust, give us a call today!
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